NCPTA Dyslexia Resolution

Whereas, the State of North Carolina has no more precious resource than its children and dyslexia impacts up to 1 in 5 or approximately 20% of our population; and

Whereas, dyslexia is the most common learning disability and 80% of children with a “specific learning disability” have dyslexia; and

Whereas, dyslexia is a language processing disorder, neurological in nature that primarily impacts accurate and/or fluent word recognition, reading, spelling, written expression, speaking and learning a second language. It is typically a result of a deficit in the phonological component of language; and

Whereas, dyslexia is an unexpected disability in an individual who is of average to above average intelligence; and

Whereas, dyslexia is included as a “specific learning disability” in the Federal Law that governs the provision of special education services for students with disabilities (IDEA); and

Whereas, dyslexia does not require a medical diagnosis to be recognized within the public school setting in North Carolina and requires educational intervention and treatment; and

Whereas, the severity of dyslexia can be lessened with Structured Literacy instruction including explicit, systematic, multisensory instruction in phonology, sound-symbol associations, syllable instruction, morphology, syntax and semantics which is effective for all students; and

Whereas, approximately 80% of the current prison population is functionally illiterate and research indicates that individuals with dyslexia are overrepresented in prison populations; and

Whereas, multiple studies have shown that early reading difficulties without appropriate remediation will have adverse effects leading to high school drop-out, behavioral issues and socio-economic impact; therefore be it

Resolved, That the North Carolina Parent and Teachers Association (PTA) recognize that dyslexia has significant educational implications requiring teacher/staff training to improve the understanding of dyslexia, its warning signs and appropriate interventions as well as support early screening for dyslexia with parental notification by trained teachers who can administer and interpret results; and be it further

Resolved, That the North Carolina Parent and Teachers Association (PTA) supports the use of evidence based instruction and intervention for all students, implemented with fidelity, which can be accessed by both the general and special education populations to include access to appropriate assistive technologies in the public school settings for students with dyslexia.

Adopted by the NCPTA Board of Directors
April 2017

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